Happy Luau

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wellness Wednesday: Kombucha Tea

Years ago, I used to brew kombucha tea by hand. I always had a mother going and loved my evening ritual of drinking kombucha until I found out how careful one had to be to avoid contamination and food poisoning and even death...it sort of scared me off of preparing it myself.

Well, it's not the 80's anymore and now commercial versions of kombucha are available. Synergy or G.T. Davis Kombucha is the only one I've found that I like, as it is not sweet and is raw and organic. It is a little expensive (around $4 per bottle) but is worth it. It contains lots of beneficial bacteria (and dozens of other health benefits) and is a wonderful treat. It may contain trace amounts of alcohol (less than 0.5%) too, due to the fermentation process.

So since it was Wellness Wednesday, I had one today to celebrate.

In the olden days, you had to know someone in order to get a mother. Now, 20 years later, you can actually buy mothers on Amazon. As well as take Kombucha pills, tinctures, get it in hot tea, and pretty much any other way you can imagine.

I do so enjoy my kombucha.

Find out more about Wellness Wednesday here at Elena's blog or check the column of Wednesday Wellness Writers on Elena's blog.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. Its so funny, because this reminded me that as a little girl, my mother had a "pet" she fed and cared for that she kept on top of the refrigerator. She kept the Mother for a long time, then one day she let it dry, folded it up and kept it in her purse for good luck! I have no idea what the story behind that was, but now I have to ask her!

Olivia said...

You should ask her, Elena. That would be interesting to find out, no matter what it was! Thanks for visiting and sharing your story :)