Happy Luau

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Sacred Life Day 13

Today I am resting. Really resting. LoveHubbie is supporting me and doing all necessary interaction with the outside world, including all errands so that I can hibernate. This is balm for my quivering and anxiety-ridden insides, my weary and hungry soul, and my droopy spirit. Below are some psychologically-adjusted photos of me (I got this idea from Elena here).

This first picture is how I feel inside today...a little crazy, with wonky energy:

This second picture is how I feel today that I appear to others:

Thus, I went for a walk today, and the sun felt nurturing, as did the movement, and all of the trees.

The ability to rest and replenish is a sacred gift to me today from the Universe, facilitated specially for me by LoveHubbie.

I followed this deer on my driveway:

He is eating apples fallen from the apple tree:

Soon I'll feel like I really am as I allow the peacefulness of the forest, the quiet, the rest...to slowly heal me.

~Pictures by Me


patti said...

I would rather watch a deer eat fallen apples, than sit in front of a computer, any day. I am so glad that the wobbly, distorted versions of you are slowly melting away to reveal the serene, happy relaxed you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is wonderful that your sweetie is doing the world so you can hibernate. That is such important self-care. Yay!

Karen Smithey said...

What beauty surrounds you! I love the forests and all the green--during summers here, all the hills turn golden, which has its own beauty, too. But I grew up in Michigan, where there are lots of trees and lots of green.

Your distorted faces really gave me a jolt! I love the idea--

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Beautiful! truly captures highs and lows and I love the way the self-care gave you a sense of renewal. Fun photos!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love all of your pictures.
You are so beautiful in and out!!!