Happy Luau

Friday, September 7, 2007

My Sacred Life Day 19

Time. Is sacred in my life.

No matter how much I tell myself differently, or what I believe, there always seems to be a scarcity of time, though. The hours of the day just whiz by and I am left doing only a small fraction of what I want to do.

Does anyone else experience this? How do I get out of this trap? Time feels so precious, and like there is never, ever anywhere near enough, and although I've changed my beliefs about it, I have so far been unable to change my experience.

~Picture by LoveHubbie Mark, altered with PSP by Me


The Dream said...

Hi Olivia-
I just try to live in the moment ... even though I have plenty on the calendar, I need to just slow down, deal with life in small chunks, and savor the moments.

Olivia said...

I wish I knew how to do this...to focus on the moments. My mind is taken over by planning of how to fit in tasks A, B, and C, so that I won't have to carry D over until tomorrow...and the like. I want to learn how to be present and live in the moment. You're right on in that I think this is the solution! Thank you.

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Breathing helps me stay in the present moment. Deep, intentional breaths ground me into life as it is actually happening...Love your post, short and thought provoking...

Olivia said...

Thanks, Beverly. I'm not sure I've ever even really felt present in the moment...or at least if I did, I didn't tag it as a recognizable feeling. But I will try the breathing, which I know calms me in anxious times, and see if I can recognize a mindfulness or sense of the present.

Deborah said...

I wish I had something wise to add... There's plenty to recommend but I suspect its the kind of thing you just have to either surrender to or hand over to whatever high power you gel with.

Olivia said...

Maybe as I grow in my spirituality, I'll learn to do this...

Angela said...

Yes, I experience the same thing, but I just try not to fight it. It's going by, it's going to go by. May as well not fret it.

patti said...

Sometimes we just have to say no to things - and let them go. If you live in the moment and focus fully on what you're currently doing, theory has it, time will expand (law of attraction) :)

Anonymous said...

I find the less I do, the more time I have. And -- strange but true -- the less I do, the more I accomplish, enjoy and savor.

Olivia said...

This is all so metaphysical, and I'm trying to wrap my mind around the application of it...it is hard and easy and super-paradoxical.

I will focus on the moment, what I'm doing at the time, and I do believe that this time should expand. I know I also need to stop fretting. And do less. Accomplish more. OK. OK. I'm willing to experiment!

Thanks Angela, Patti, Carla.