Happy Luau

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Sacred Life Day 25

The Comfort of Strangers

I am realizing how many anonymous people have been supportive to me over these last two days. I normally live the life of a total semi-hermit, but since the theft at our house, I've been interacting with so many people (say more than I'd interact with in weeks or months), and all have been supportive; it has been wonderful in an interesting kind of way. Small ways, normally, but ways that are touching nevertheless.

I'm not talking about the normally supportive people, like this wonderful blog community, or friends, or neighbors, or people I know. Or my incredible, stupendous there-is-no-adjective-for-him urologist, who today got me in and took care of my painful UTI (probably due to stress) post-haste. Or his understanding medical staff.

I'm talking about people I've never met and never may interact with again---anonymous people---some whose names I know and some whose names I'll never know. First of all, the innumerable clerical people who have helped me and made my life easier these last hours. Then there was the locksmith, about seven different people who helped me at my alarm center, neighbors I've never met before, an automotive professional who is going to help me with my car situation, a telemarketer who called and expressed concern and sensitively offered to call back at "a better time"...more I can't remember right now....

Lastly there was a caring alarm repairman today who I am convinced is an angel sent to share wisdom and love with me. (I know this sounds super-goofy, but it's really true, and I'm not on drugs or drinking! :)

I know that this probably sounds funny, but, with the people whom I've met personally, I look into their eyes, and I see a familiarity, I see a connection, something looking back at me that feels like me. I know that we are all one, but for some reason I have experienced it in a profound way in the last 48 hours.

It is an indescribable feeling, and one that made my life immensely sacred today.

~Picture by LoveHubbie taken in Lahaina, Maui


patti said...

Olivia, you are absolutely right. he was an angel. I have had these kind of experiences too. It's like everything has heightened meaning and you are left feeling a little high afterwards. Someone is looking out for you and they want you to feel safe again. Ooh I have goosebumps!

Sheri said...

I love what you've written... beautiful... and that picture is so cool... thanx for your kind words!

Delia said...

sorry to hear of your recent shakeup...

Olivia said...

Oh, thank you, Patti, Sheri, and Magpie!

Patti, what you wrote nailed how I felt on the head. I never thought to interpret it that "someone is looking out for [me] and they want [me] to feel safe again"! That is a beautiful idea that I take great comfort in.

Love and peace and blessings,


Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

sorry about your recent trouble...it can be very scary...hopefully it is all behind you now...blessings, rebecca

Olivia said...

Thank you, Rebecca, I am doing much better. Most of the work is internal now, trying to feel safe in an unsafe (in many ways) world, which is something we all deal with with.

It helps me, too, to compare my trouble to that of many, many other people, which makes it seem small.

I do feel, in a certain way (and oddly) safe, despite everything, mainly due to the incidents of the last two days. I feel blessed, too.

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Olivia, I love the way you are pulling the gifts out of a dreadful situation. Very profound post...Bev

Olivia said...

Thanks so much, Beverly :)

Karen Smithey said...

Wow. You're amazing, gaining so much from this experience.

I know what you're talking about, that connection when you look into someone's eyes. What's sad, to me, is how often people look startled when I actually LOOK at them. We all should do it more...