BE BRAVE, otherwise known as "
Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You", is the title of the
month-long project inspired by Jessie. I am participating daily for a month. Today is Day 12.
Today, empowered by eight hours of sleep and a clear mind and body (!!!), I made my first video review for Amazon. This was
so scary, because you know the level of my video skills, the state of my roots (as in hair roots), and probably how much of a big deal this was for me. I hadn't ever seen a video review before, so I didn't really know what to do, but on the other hand, it was an opportunity to be creative.

I picked a controversial book, "
Good Calories, Bad Calories", by Gary Taubes. It was the best book I've ever read about health or nutrition, but it was a hard book to read and to review, because it was very research-based. Plus it ends up that a historical view of the sound research done in this area, as well as current research being done, counters a lot of the conventional wisdom (as in ADA and AHA) about obesity, diet, and weight control. I wanted to write an incredible review, but by the time I finished it (it was a slow read) a few people had already done that, so my review would not stand out to the degree I wanted it to, or solicit enough helpful votes. So...I thought "I'll really jump over the waterfall and use it for the first video review I've ever seen on Amazon!"
Doing the video was challenging, fun, and nail-biting at times. It took the whole afternoon. I still can't believe I did it.
I'm moving in the direction of my dreams, albeit shuffling...yes, then leaping...then shuffling on some more.
~Photo by LoveHubbie Mark
I need your email address so I can send you something concerning nanowrimo.
What a great creative challenge. Good on you for giving it a good go.
Thanks, Patti. For the encouragement and for stopping by to visit me.
This probably would have been the scariest thing I've done so far on this project but I'm getting used to "scary", so I did it much smoother than I would have two weeks ago. I "felt the fear and did it anyway". YAY!
Much Love,
Congratulations on doing your first video review! Is it up on Amazon?
Yep, it's under "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes on October 9th, or try this link (if it works):
When you paste the link, be sure to join all of the fragments above.
Thanks, Angela :)
Have a blessed day, Love, O
Good work! Olivia, you are really blowing my mind. There is no stopping you! :)
And the book looks good too. Especially the toast with all that butter! :)- Seriously looks interesting. I'm going to have to check it out.
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