Today, my BE BRAVE project was to set-up my AlphaSmart Neo, which I will be writing with for NaNoWriMo. It has been staring at me for over a week, and I’ve procrastinated in setting it up, because I was afraid that it would take too many steps, be way too hard and because I do not do well with computer things. Well, I was right---it has been complicated.
First I had to read the two user manuals. Then I assembled the AlphaSmart Neo and put the batteries in. Next, I installed the software on my desktop computer. The Neo is about as big as a very large calculator, and the screen does not easily lend itself to editing, so daily writing must be uploaded to a regular computer. So then I had to figure out how to upload this post (which I typed on my Neo) so that I could publish it.
It ends up that it’s a good thing I started today and didn’t wait any longer, because the Neo is a unique (although very user-friendly) device that has a particular specially-designed operating system (that I know nothing about), and interesting word processing software that is not Microsoft Word! I have to learn how to juggle the files, save files, upload files, and edit all of the data. I’ll need at least from now until November just to get used to it, so I’ll need to practice daily.

But today I got started, as this is a priority (defined by me yesterday). Yes, I did refurbish my "Could Do" list to make it facilitate my goal of being ready for NaNoWriMo in November! I am definitely moving (albeit stumbling) in the direction of my heart.
So today my goal was to get this up and published, and then tomorrow to begin learning the system, both the operating system and the word processing package. It will take me a while just to do the set up of the different system parameters and to go through the user manuals trying out the various skills with my Neo right there. This is a simple, simple system, but for me it is challenging because I have such an overwhelm and avoidance response to computer things.
The Neo is particularly great for writing, because it encourages volume writing, and Not editing what you write because the display is only a few lines. I have to say that I love the little thing---it is sweet. I'm going to name it :)
Also today I kept with my Health Grounding program except for the sleep again. I woke up energetic and happy after only six hours of sleep; however, I can see that my energy and mood need a bit of bolstering today so I’m going to go to bed early tonight. So far it seems like I’ve been averaging a healthy amount of sleep for me about every other night. I will improve this.

~Picture of Dahlia by LoveHubbie Mark
Your posts are showing such an enthusiasm for life at the moment, Olivia. There is an excitement about delving into these challenging things that are all throughout your words. Your vibrant energy radiates through!
It is so great to see and read it all.
Thanks, Annie. I feel hopeful, as though I am going to get something I want, something that would make me feel good, and that energizes me, I think.
This BE BRAVE project is incredible!
Thank you for your loving support and listening ear, Love to you this evening, Annie,
hmmm...i think my be brave project might entail signing up for the be brave project. haha.
i have never seen one of these alphaneo things before, though! i hope it continues to bring you inspiration with your writing!
p.s. i have password protected my blog, but please send an email to rubygirl76@gmail.com if you're interested (no pressure, though!)
Ruby, that's the first step we all had to take to do it. It gets easier the more you do it. You get used to doing brave things even after 12 days. They're not easy, but they're less scary than that first step to join :)
Thank you, Ruby, for the writing encouragement. My little Neo is so sweet. I love her :)
I will email you, because I'd love to read your blog.
Blessings and love,
I love your husband's photo of the Dahlia...beautiful! You sure are embracing life Olivia...Keep going!
He is an exceptional photographer, isn't he. Thanks for the encouragement, Bev, which I really needed "just" now. I'm going to haul myself up and go do something brave :)
Blessings and love, O
your neo looks incredibly cool. dang, i love gadgets! i don't, however, like trying to get them figured out. like you, i have a phobia of learning new technologies. i can't remember if i posted about it or not, but one of the scary things i did this month was starting to learn how to use new pen tablet. when i finally sat down to do it...WOW!!! it is so much fun!
your neo sounds like a perfect device for NaNoWriMo. Something that deters obsessive editing? omg, i need one! :)-
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