Happy Luau

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wellness Wednesday: Fearless

Do I have a treat for you today! It is from Heather of Fumbling for Words, a video that I guarantee will inspire you, no matter who you are. If you read the happyluau, you will be inspired. Guaranteed. Or your money back. This three minute video from Heather is intensely personal, and is featured here with permission.

I've watched it several times, and each time I am inspired in new ways, sparking me creatively to think about fear, how it stops me, and how I move beyond it in my own life. Thank you, Heather, for your generosity in sharing this with the happyluau!


thailandchani said...

Wow! Stunning! I love it!


Olivia said...

So glad you liked it, Chani. So many aspects to it that have impact...Love, O

Kim Mailhot said...

Lots of reminders in the universe today that it is okay to be fear-less, that it in fact what we are here to do. Why is it that it can seem so easy and so daunting at the same time?

Today,I choose to dance in the light instead of hide in the shadow...at least I think I do !;-)

Thanks for sharin Heather with us - a true inspiration !
I hope you dance in the light today too, Olivia !

Heather Plett said...

Thanks for your kind words, Olivia (and others). It's always nice when a "fearless" move like putting a personal video out there for the world to see is rewarded by the sense that other people get it too and that maybe it moved us all to small steps in the right direction.

Olivia said...

I know it did, Heather. Thank YOU! Peace, O

Olivia said...

Thank you, Kim...you are right...some days easy, some days daunting, even both within the same day. Much aloha, O

Leah said...

OH. That was just awesome!! So inspiring. Thank you for sharing this, Olivia. And thank you, Heather!!

Olivia said...

I'm so glad you got a chance to see this, Leah! Blessings, O