I got this award from the lovely Kate, who inspires me with her growth as an artist. She is prolific and proves that when you work at something diligently, you absolutely will grown. I want to be more like her! She also freely shares her work to inspire others.
"What this Friendship Award means: this blog invests and believes in Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships."I love that. I feel very close to everyone who reads my blog and visits regularly (and you folks who visit not-so-regularly too!); it's as though time and space vanish and here we all are. Thank you, Kate!
Congrats Olivia !
Blessings on this Friday (Yay!) !
You are so sweet and you deserve this award so much.When I am feeling down you always seem to lift me up. Thanks for being my friend.
Thank you, Kim. I wish you blessings and lots of aloha, and a great weekend as well. Thank you for all of your support! xxoo, O
Ditto you to me :) Thank you for the same and for being a model of a fledgling artist and writer for me, someone who ventures forth persistently and without fear (or at least without letting fear stop her much)!
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