I just wanted to write another quick post today to tell you to please make the time for the "Three Great Things" I wrote about yesterday. It should take less than 10 minutes to look at and/or read all three, but they are ten minutes I know you won't regret. Go there..now!
Also, I wanted to let you know that I'll be having my first Big Giveaway here at the happyluau soon. So check back in the next few days to find out how you can get some really cool free things. I need to gather everything together and take pictures, but I promise I'll do it soon.
What a wonderful photo of you. What is the story behind the picture?
Ha, ha! Well, I was bored out of my mind on a tour that LoveHubbie wanted to go on of a really pristine, kind of artificial garden on Kauai. It was not Hawaiian-like and the tour was 3 hours long---it was "a 3 hour tour, a 3 hour tour"!
So I pretended to be swinging from a banyan tree and screaming, as though I was saying, "Get me out of here!"
Joy and laughter,
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