Happy Luau

Monday, March 26, 2007

Finding Water, So Real

Julia Cameron's writing in "Finding Water" is so real for me. She writes about how to be sane, how to stay sane---emotionally sober---and to stay away from fear. I find this enormously helpful. Of course, we can never stay away perfectly from fear, but she helps me to find more ways not to dwell in fear.

Working part-time from home, it helps me enormously to have structure, a "simple grid" to follow, since I'm alone so much and working independently. Morning pages, artists dates, goodly walks; they help. Every time I drift off and veg out---like just sitting around watching videos, or sleeping in---I find it's good for a break but not for a lifestyle, and truly appreciate having some structure.

~Pictures by Hubbie Mark


Anonymous said...

Me too! Now I know why I signed up to do this on a whim, not understanding my rationale behind having asked to be included. Cameron had tools waiting for me at the exact time in my life when I needed to acquire them. Grace.

bee said...

OMG. do you know how much i needed to be reminded of that very passage, (about staying emotionally sober)right now?

olivia, thank you. your words are filled with wisdom and a transferable peace. i'm glad you're getting as much out of finding water as you are. (i am too!)

i agree with kelly, it *is* grace.

Olivia said...

Oh, yes, Bee and Kelly. Thank you both.

This is a rich and special time, and we are all learning so much!