Happy Luau

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Daily Inspiration

Place of Inspiration for Everyone: I just love these little messages, sent to my inbox each morning. Try them and see if they don’t brighten your day. They come at unexpected times, and are always a breath of fresh air. Sign up, and get a little bit of reliable encouragement. I feel like I can always use a little more positivity in my day, every day. Curious if you like them as much as I do---let me know.

~Picture by Hubbie Mark


Leah said...

I get this sent to my mailbox everyday too!! i love them.

i tried to send you an email, just a response to your comment, but it bounced back to me. ah well. basically i was just saying that i was pleased to hear you loved that book too! :-)

Olivia said...

I'm glad you pointed that out to me. My email has changed and I left it erroneously on my identity. I'll change it on future comments, thanks!

Laura B. said...

I check a daily inspiration site by Christiane Northrup. They're positive thoughts focused on women's health---I really enjoy it. Thank you for sharing another good source of inspiration!

Good luck with Week Four of Finding Water -

Laura B. said...

Olivia -
Here is the site of Daily Inspiration from Dr. Northrup---


Thanks for your comment. I love your blog, love the passion you have for things Hawaiian. It's one of the things I've loved about blogging----discovering people and their interests. What wonderful people we have in this world----It's a good reminder when we hear too much about the not-so-good ones...!

Happy Sunday,

Olivia said...

Thanks, Laura. It looks beautiful. I have Dr. Northrup's wisdom cards, and they are wonderful; this site looks to be also.

Thank you for the kind words about my blog. I do love all things Hawaiian so much. I, like you, also love meeting new people, especially like-minded people as in our FW community.

It's especially nice to come to the computer on a rainy Sunday and have a nice message like the one you left :)

A happy Sunday to you, too,


Carla said...

Olivia, I love receiving Notes from the Universe too! Coming to your blog tonight was as refreshing as the beautiful flower in the photo you shared. Thanks & blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

I love getting the messages from Universe in my e-mail each day, too - they always make me smile.

Beautiful flower photo - thanks for sharing that!

Olivia said...

Thank you Carla! You know, I think that I found out about Notes from the Universe from YOUR wonderful blog. So thanks right back at you :)

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to my blog. My husband takes those incredible flower pictures, and they are truly spectacular.

And Tinker, thank you for visiting too. It was fun to visit your typepad blog and see a completely unique layout for a blog. Good for you, creative sister. I look forward to exploring...
