This is a new series I'm starting to help both of us (you and me) by vlogging in really short vlogs (less than a minute, some just a few seconds) about tips for living with depression.
I'm going to try to get them all up here before I go on vacation next week. Well...first I have to make them. And I have the flu. LoveHubbie has a severe flu (he is two days ahead of me). So we'll see what I can do with this.
It's fun to do something constructive and positive during this SSRI withdrawal. Someone should benefit from it, right?
And by the time I come back from vacation I'll probably be through the withdrawal, so I want to get these tips here in case you and/or I need or want them again.
This DRM is 32 seconds:
You really are an inspiration, Olivia. You never give up, you are always being led to new ways of trying to heal and improve yourself. You are on such a wonderful journey of inspiration and healing. I love that I have found someone who is on the same kind of journey that I am. I am so grateful for our growing friendship!
To you, Olivia!
PS. I would so LOVE to get on a plane and cross the globe to your side of the planet!
Thank you Annie, for your support and encouragement, as always. You are welcome here---hop a plane, DO :) !! much love, O
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