Happy Luau

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I Am Safe and I Can Trust My Intuition

Here is another card from my card collection, which I believe is from Louise Hay:

It is hard for me to believe sometimes that I can trust my intuition, that my intuition is trustworthy. I want to believe, I think, that my intuition is screwy and that I can be victimized. However, I know---KNOW---that this is absolutely not true. My intuition is right on course; I just need to actually listen and have courage to follow through. And if I have listened, there is no such thing as "victimized"---all things that happen to me are lessons for my own healing and growth. And for everyone else involved, too. This is what I know is true.

I know we've started Week 11 in Finding Water, on Discipline, but I still have a little more to write about Safety...I'm a little behind. But it's all good, right :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's all good. I'm behind too. Hope to catch up today. I was just talking about listening to intuition last night with my friend. I recounted a story of nearly being raped. I had had a wide open opportunity to get away from the guy early in the evening if only I'd listened to the little voice telling me he was bad news and I needed to run out of the cafe while he was in the washroom. I was 19 then and hopefully have since learned to listen when that little voice whispers to me.

Jessie said...

Hi Olivia! I'm just catching up on your blog and am loving all of the photos and artwork. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a little behind also. I haven't even had a chance to read chapter 11 yet. :P Oh well. I guess I'm waiting for a quiet moment when I can sit down and truly enjoy it. I think it's great that you are taking the time you need with things. Learning how to listen to ourselves is important! ;)

lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, I'm behind, too - haven't even had a chance to start Chapter 11. Hey, if we're ALL behind in the group, doesn't that mean we're not really behind - we're just going with the flow... lol

Olivia said...

I like that idea...maybe we can kind of have a "catch up" week and go 13 weeks :) I am definitely stuck on safety and sanctuary and don't mind staying there for a little longer. Thanks everyone for the love and the visit!