Happy Luau

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Better Times at the happyluau

Well, things are a bit better at the happyluau today. See my smile :) I went on my Artist Date to the St. Placid Priory, a local monastic community and just walked around the grounds and thought about life. I met several of the sisters there and asked them pointed and direct questions, hoping to benefit from their wisdom and experience. They had no easy answers, for there really are none, but it was fun to discuss deep topics with wise women.

Finding Water News: Also yesterday I did all of week 9's reading and divining rods. I can hardly believe it is now week 10! I feel like I have grown so much from this process. The continually beautiful and thought-provoking postings from our our leaders Jessie and Leah help me grow each week. The encouragement from all of you is invaluable to me. I continue to read your blogs, although I've been lax about blogging myself.

I feel like I have some perspective on my troubles of late, and know that grieving is a process and all will be resolved in time. I know I'll be ok. Life makes sense. I even feel safe (it's week 10 after all). Thank all of you for your love and prayers and good thoughts sent my way.

Even my stalker issue seems to be resolved, I pray. Some of you may have noticed some odd comments on my blog, which were from someone who had been a long-distance friend of mine for many years, but who had changed in ways that caused me to decide to cease contact with him. He'd tried persistently for some time after that to continue to contact me, despite my requests---then demands---for no contact. At last he gave up (almost a year ago), but with my latest difficulties I guess he sensed an opportunity of some sort, so he renewed his efforts to reestablish contact, going from viewing my blog excessively (and throwing my stats counter way off) to odd commenting on my blog and finally to beginning to phone me again. My husband stepped in (thank you sooo much, hubbie) to call him and left a message on Friday insisting that he stop and so far all has been quiet. Although I fear my stalker was just gone for the weekend, I want to believe that he has decided to move on with his life. I am wishing him blessings and sending him on his way to interact with people who want his attentions and interactions and who will give him what I cannot. In case he does return, I'm posting this here, hoping there is a part of him that can understand that continuing to stalk me will not bring good things to either of us, but that moving forward in other directions will earn him my eternal gratitude and bring him better days, surely.

~Picture by Hubbie Mark, taken yesterday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, honest post. Thank you for sharing it. I also pray this person can take a small step today to care for himself and move on with his life.

Also thank you for telling us you did all the chapter 9 work. I was finishing up 9 today and starting 10...a bit behind this week. You inspire me to do all the work.