Happy Luau

Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter Solstice

I wanted to link to some very special Solstice/holiday posts:

Kate I of Thru My Lens Lightly has twin posts for Dec 21st and Dec 22nd that are well worth a read and a look. They will warm your heart.

View Elderwoman's Solstice post and Christine's Visual Mediation too.

This is a video of my Winter Solstice Celebration, 4:30:

The Magic Stones aren't really magic, of course. They are called Magic Stones! Other resources: Most of the Labyrinths and the fairy was done by Stasia of Golden Light Ceramics. And click on the link on the right sidebar if you're interested in finding out more about Energy Muse jewelry.

Here are the Magic Stones I selected. This video is 1:30 long:

A blessed and beautiful Winter Solstice to everyone!


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

You are LOVE Olivia!
They are magical!
Becuase you make me feel warm, special and hopeful with your sweet maternal honest voice.

Olivia said...

Thank you, Carmen...and you, too, radiate love, even through a storm. Love in the midst of turmoil, O

Angela said...


Thank you so much for sharing your Winter Solstice Celebration, your magic stones and your labyrinths. You are truly on a unique path and those of us priviledged to join you would like to say "thank you, my dear". Happy Turning To The Light.

Olivia said...

Thank you, Angela. I am blessed to have you share in my journey.

Blessings, O

Karen Smithey said...

Oh, Olivia, this is maybe my very very favorite of your videos. I don't know if you noticed, but there was an amazing, striking difference between Olivia pre- and post-celebration. Unbelievable. Your face, but especially the timbre of your voice.

Thank you so much for sharing this.

Olivia said...


Thank you for this observation. I know that this ritual brought me peace and nurture, and that's what I see in my affect and voice. Thank YOU for noticing this and for pointing it out! Love and blessing, O