Happy Luau

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wellness Wednesday: National Grump Out Day

Did you know that today was National Grump Out Day? No, this does not mean it's a time to "grump out" as in "wig out" or "pig out". It's a day to banish grumpiness; it's a day to be out with or done with grumpiness! (Sort of like a "Smoke Out" is when you stop smoking for a day.)

So, today I'm going to inform my curmudgeon spouse LoveHubbie of the importance of celebrating NGO Day---be sure to inform the grumpiness person you know and maybe they'll get in the spirit of the day and "grump out".

If you are the grump, it's a great day to put grumpiness behind you and instead breathe in gratitude, love, and appreciation for all of life! After all your attitude profoundly affects your mental health and your physical health as well.

Although I am not typically a grumpy person, I am choosing to be inspired today and focus on all of the many things that go right with the day and all of the many blessings I experience! Let's celebrate together!

~Photo by Grumpy Curmudgeon LoveHubbie Mark


Unknown said...

OOooops! Looks like I did the opposite.
I have had a horrible day...

Olivia said...

Oh no, Kristine! A Grump In Day. I'm sorry. I'll send good thoughts and prayers your way. Love, O