Happy Luau

Friday, February 9, 2007


Don't you just love the Dove "Pro-Age" campaign? The idea that Dove (the company who makes Dove soap) has is to celebrate being whatever age you are and looking beautiful at that age. They use the motto "beauty has no age limits". A few months ago they came out with "Dove Evolution", a commercial showing how an average woman's appearance is manipulated to fit what we have come to expect in our media:

Now they are stepping out even further, showing in their ads and commercials real women of various shapes and ages. Currently, in O Magazine, there is a beautiful, tasteful nude picture of a 64-year-old grandmother. Visit Dove's "Campagin for Real Beauty" to learn more. Or take a peek at their Pro-Age web site. It is SO about time. This campaign is truly countercultural and I love it. Why should we not feel beautiful at our age---we are beautiful! It's about time that our media begins to turn around the unhealthy messages they promote about girls and women who do not meet the "size 0" stereotype. I commend Dove for their campaign, for taking the lead in this area. For getting in line with reality. And true beauty, which is not created with cosmetics and a scalpel, but comes from the inside and radiates on the outside. Thank you, Dove.


Jessie said...

happyluau, i loved this!! thanks for the links.

Olivia said...

You're welcome, jessie. Thanks for visiting and thanks for the Finding Water blog. Can't wait until we start tomorrow!