Happy Luau

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I wanted to write about an important distinction between introversion and extroversion. Some people think that being introverted means that you're anti-social or that you prefer your own company to that of others. And that extroverted people like to have friends and socialize. That's a sterotype that is not really true. To be introverted or extroverted refers to where you gain your energy.

If you gain your energy from being alone so that you can enjoy being around other people, you're introverted. If you get your energy from being with others, and then can enjoy relaxing alone, you're extroverted.

I need loads of time alone to process my experiences and thoughts---this is where I gain energy. Then I can go and have fun with others. I would hate to be by myself all the time. But I definitely renew and refresh alone. It is the time alone that enables me to be with others.

What are you---introverted or extroverted?

~Picture via CuteOverload
~Picture originally as featured at the Hedgehog club, by Bryan Smith, pointed out by John M.


Lila Rostenberg said...

Hi Olivia! Thanks for visiting my blog...cute critter...a hedgehog?
I am very shy in large social groups...but find I need people in small doses or I get lonely...so I work part-time and deals with customers and co-workers on a one-to-one basis..this seems to energize me as does my time in the studio!

Olivia said...

You're welcome, Lila, your work is beautiful.

Leah said...

oh my gosh, that is such a cute hedgehog! i love him! so cute!

i'm definitely an introvert and i agree with your description. it is about where you get your energy and it's all about finding the right balance for you.

i read a great book on the subject, "the introvert advantage" that i'd highly recommend.

Olivia said...

Hi, Leah,

I found the book on Amazon, and can you believe it, I already have it but just haven't read it yet, a symptom of way, way too many books.

I'm glad you liked the idea of introversion based on energy source. I wonder how many of us in Finding Water are introverts?

Anyway, I'll read the book :)

Thanks for visiting,


patti said...

Well, I'm an introvert through and through. I LOVE people but in small doses. I hate big parties but thrive in small gatherings. But then I need to recharge by myself. So yes, I agree, it's an energy thing.