Happy Luau

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sacred Life Sunday: Surrender

"Surrender" was my "word" from Lori-Lyn's card pulling--she did one on Facebook on Thursday and it was so right on. Then I read this on "The Mercy Blog: Pax et bonum":

Jesus does not demand 
great actions from us 
but simply surrender 
and gratitude.

(St. Therese of Lisieux)

Words to live by.
Perfect words for this Sacred Life Sunday.


Mike Farley said...

Hi Olivia - good to meet you at the HappyLuau! It amazes me to discover the people who've discovered The Mercy Blog - very humbling, somehow...

Olivia said...

I'm pleased to meet you, Mike, and thank you for visiting me here at the happyluau--I am honored!

I am a new reader to your blog and I do enjoy your it greatly. Thank you for this post and for all of your writing, sharing, inspiration,
