Happy Luau

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sacred Life Sunday: Silence

"It is my ego that has a story; my soul is a silence." ---David Richo from When Love Meets Fear

~Photo by LoveHubbie Mark


thailandchani said...

I like the quote and the beautiful picture. If only more people realized how responsible ego is for so many destructive things going on in the world. Ultimately, it always comes back to that.

Olivia said...

It does, doesn't it Chani. I am surprised my the agreement I find as I read a variety of different thinkers, all saying the same thing. Truth is truth, right? Love and a blessed peace to you today, O xxoo

Jane said...

Gorgeous picture and quote! Happy Tuesday Olivia :))

Olivia said...

Thank you, Jane! I realize that today is Wellness Wednesday (and I'm behind in my posting) but since you're on the east coast and probably in bed, I'll wish you a Terrific Thursday! Love, O