Happy Luau

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wellness Wednesday: In Gratitude

Thank you to everyone who commented on my post about my professional plans and NaNoWriMo. You all helped so very, very much.

I really liked Patti's plan of mixing creative alone time with time out spent with others part-time. That really is what is appealing to me the most right now. Kate R. suggested following what gives me joy, and I so want to remember that. Mary Catherine and Kate I. brought up that I could decide after I have more information after November, and that is what I think will also work best for me. Kate I. also reminded me that I can change my mind if something doesn't work, and that uncertainty can be a fine place to rest...all will be well.

Everyone--Patti, Cinner, Kate R., Mary Catherine, Sarah, and Kate I.--all had encouraging things to say about NaNoWriMo, and guess what--I'm doing it in just 5 days--Whoo Hoo! For those who are interested, more info about NaNoWriMo is here, and one of my blog posts from 2007 about NaNoWriMo is here.

So this week I got out my trusty old AlphaSmart Neo whom I named Kaiolohia back in 2007. She had to be dusted out and pulled out from long-term storage as she hadn't been used at all in the past four years. She needed a whole new operating system installed, so I got to know the technical support people at AlphaSmart and was very impressed. I now have a dedicated word processor specifically for production writing, and she's all set up and ready to go! 50,000 words, here I come!

In addition, I looked back at my posts and videos from 2007 about NaNoWriMo and noticed that several of you who congratulated me about finishing four years ago are still readers of happyluau and are people I consider now dear friends: Patti, Kate R., Kristine, and Kelly. Thank you for hanging in there with me for so long. And thank you to all of you who read and encourage me with your comments. Today, I am so very grateful for YOU!


patti said...

Olivia you make me smile :)

I consider you a dear friend also!

I know Nanowrimo will be good for your soul, so dive in and enjoy every little word!

Suzie Ridler said...

You are amazing and I am so happy you are taking on this challenge my friend!

CrystalChick said...

WHOO HOO indeed!!!
May you and Kaiolohia spend many happy hours together enjoying the NaNoWriMo challenge.

Kim Mailhot said...

Happy Writing, Olivia ! Do what you love and love what you do. That will make your days feel full and good, I think.
Much Love !

Anonymous said...

Oh good lord, has it been that long? Yikes! I admire you for tackling NaNoWriMo.

Kate Robertson said...

I am glad you are joining in again.