Happy Luau

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BE BRAVE: Day 29: Joining My Complaint-Free Sisters and Brother

BE BRAVE, otherwise known as "Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You", is the title of the month-long project inspired by Jessie. I am participating daily for a month. Today is Day 29.

For my BE BRAVE challenge today, I'm joining my complaint-free creative sisters and brother:

Kate I from Through My Lens Lightly
Christine Kane from her blog
Carmen from Strawberries and Champagne
Lori-Lyn from The Dream Life
Rick from Hamguin's Hide-not
Kelly from Kikipotamus the Hobo

All of these women and Rick committed to changing their world by becoming Complaint-Free for the next 30 days. This means no complaints, and no related things---like gossiping, criticizing, judging, etc. The hard part is that this can extend to our thoughts as well, so no inner complaining! Christine Kane lists "10 Irresistible Reasons to Go Complaint-Free Starting Today" on her blog that are sooo enticing. There is also a book, A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted, which I will be reading.

At first I wondered if I could do both Complaint-Free and NaNoWriMo, which starts in less than two hours (Nov 1st). I decided I couldn't NOT do Complaint-Free. It's too compelling, too powerful, too scary---just like BE BRAVE was back in September. It will complement and reframe NaNoWriMo, because I want to approach this important experience with joy (as Jessie showed me in one of her comments a couple of days ago:
"...as for your WORK with nanowrimo--WHAHOOO for you! :) thinking of it as work is a good idea. wow, i mean, i would LOVE to have that job! :)..."

I thought, "Dang! I want to feel this way...why am I not focusing in on my joy?" I realized I've buried it under a heck of a lot of fear. It's still there, though, and I am going to resurrect it and more with Complaint-Free!!

I am, like Kelly, customizing my commitment a little, at least here at the start, as I explain in the two videos below. Each one is just over a minute:

The first video:

The second video:


Anonymous said...

I like what you said about noticing your complaints internally, yet not beating your inner critic up for having them.

Happy NaNoWriMo and happy new journey :-)

Olivia said...

Thanks tinker! Yes, that's how I see it, I'll see how it works :)

The same to you, tinker...Happy NaNoWriMo!


Anonymous said...

Olivia, that's it exactly. What we fight, we make stronger. But when we observe with presence, the negative thoughts weaken on their own. They cannot survive in the light of your Presence! I'm so glad you're joining in!!!!

Olivia said...

Yeah, me too. I'm glad you agree. I sensed this intuitively, but really want to get with experiencing it much more for myself! thanks, Kelly xxoo, O

patti said...

I am attempting this challenge too and to be honest, have been trying to do this for some time now. I have been going well externally, except I tend to crack under pressure.(control drama!?) I have come to the same conclusions about observing the inner critic as you.

I think it is only human to be discerning and critical, it helps us to survive and make the right choices. So I try to allow the lesser negativity to dissolve, or if it's really harmful, just to tell myself 'STOP!' I keep the valuable judgements. But it is definitely an ongoing (lifetime)thing. It's tough being a human being sometimes!

You have taken on so much lately Olivia and I admire you greatly for the way you have been succeeding in making positive and happy changes in your life.

Olivia said...

Thank you, Patti, for your acknowledgement. I think that you, I, and Kelly (Kikipotamus the Hobo) are in agreement about this. I can't wait to see if the book addresses this.

I know that I have a huge amount of resistance that comes up when I tell myself I MUST do something. A gentler, more loving way in general is usually more appealing to me.

I know that this will be a lifetime endeavor and process, like BE BRAVE. However, it is something that is so congruent with my spirituality that I couldn't see how I could not do it. I have a lot of trouble in this area, especially in the area of criticism with LoveHubbie. I look forward to positive changes.

Thank you Patti, for your support, as always, Love, O

Annie Z said...

I admire you, Olivia, for participating in all these challenges. You are indeed a brave woman. And I can see the big difference that doing the BE BRAVE has created in you. Can you feel it yourself???
I am intrigued by the complaint free. Will look into it.

Olivia said...

Oh, I can Annie! Thank you for the acknowledgement. I love you, O

Rick Hamrick said...

You did such a wonderful job of expressing exactly what I was attempting to express today, Olivia. It's not about stuffing things, it's about allowing them their space in a loving way which acts as a disempowerment of those aspects which require an opponent to grow strong.

My long-time favorite analogy is the tug-o-war and what happens if you simply let go. With nothing in resistence, the opposition has nothing to oppose.

Thanks so much for your magical clarity!

Olivia said...

And you, Rick, expressed succinctly and in a general what I was saying in a personal way: "It's not about stuffing things, it's about allowing them their space in a loving way which acts as a disempowerment of those aspects which require an opponent to grow strong."---YES! Thank you Rick, for commenting, and for how you always manage to put things so that I can "get" and remember them :) Blessings, abundance, and joy, O